Ponydex + NFTs

Your guide for the 88 released breeds of Ponyjacks including art, rarity, and stats. Legendary and Uniques will remain hidden until discovered/minted by community, and will be rewarded with a Diamond Horseshoe which can be used to unlock special Ponyjacks/prizes.

1. There will be only up to 1000 Gen 0 Ponyjacks, far fewer, only 50-300 at first
2. Ponyjacks have 1 or 2 Elements aka Kingdoms
3. Each Kingdom's breeds are good at something
4. The rarer, the better the stat boost your Ponyjack has from that Kingdom

5. Our first game type, battles, combines lucky dice rolls and skill of choosing strong Ponyjacks and/or teams

6. For now, they are "auto-battlers," AND you are auto entered to compete/win prizes simply by owning Ponyjacks!

7. To get a Ponyjack, grab a Mystery Box or bid on our collection when we mint. Welcome to the Ponyverse and GOOD LUCK!

You can also view here: PonyDex


There are currently 940 of the 1000 Gen 0 Ponyjacks planned/designed, leaving room for special jacks, custom jacks, and more. It's possible we could cut down or even burn the number of commons and rares at any point, (making them more rare) in order to leave more room for newer, rarer Ponyjacks.


Special Unlocks with Diamond Horseshoes and potential Evolutions


